Dominick Dunne In search of Justice

This documentary is the story of the extraordinary life story of Dominick Dunne, best known as an investigative journalist and writer for Vanity Fair, for successful novels and also the presenter of Power, Privilege and Justice on Court TV.

Directors : Clara Kuperberg & Robert Kuperberg
Production : Wichita Films
Producer : Julia Kuperberg
Network: Canal Jimmy
Year : 2007
Running Time : 52 minutes


Dominick Dunne
Writer and Journalist for Vanity Fair

Griffin Dunne
His son, Actor, Director, Producer

Joan Didion
Writer and sister in law of Dominick’s

Jerry Schatzberg
Director The Panic in Needle Park

Graydon Carter
Editor in chief of Vanity Fair

WINNER : Best Documentary Award at The Beverly Hills Films Festival 2007